Practice What You Preach!

Inspirational Quote #22Hypocrite – a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Despite what we want to believe about ourselves, many, many people are most certainly hypocrites. We state that others should do this or that, or not do this or that. Yet, we fail to take our own advice. One area where I noticed that I am a hypocrite is in the area of how I treat others and how I expect others to treat me. Particularly, in judging or speaking badly of others and taking offense to people judging or speaking badly about me.

We, as a people, have to learn to hold ourselves up to the same standard that we hold others. How can we ever become upset when someone judges us, if we constantly judge or have judged another? How can we ever be offended when someone mistreats us, if we mistreat or have mistreated another? How can we ever be angered by the knowledge that someone has spoken badly about us behind our back, if you speak badly about others behind their backs. Yes, we are special, but not special in a way that we can put out negativity and not expect to receive it back. We are not special in  a way that we can sets rules for others that we are not willing to follow.

I find that judgement is a huge issue for most people and most do not even know it. The judgment of the actions, choices, clothing, hair, shoes, etc. of another is our selfish desire to have control over them and to have them do what we think is best. People are entitled to do and choose as they wish, especially if it does not interfere with the life and happiness of another. Keep your eyes on your own paper and focus on you and yours! You do not know the plan that God has for lives of others or the path they must take. Your way might be right for you, but not another. People are not required to be and do the way we think they should. Develop the skill to let others be and refrain from passing judgment on them. Instead send them prayers and blessings! If we spend half the time and energy working on improving ourselves as we do judging and focusing on other people, the world would be a much better place.

Remember that whatever we give, we receive. Make sure that the energy you put out is loving and positive, for it will surely find its way back to you. Practice what you preach! Truly treat others the way you wish to be treated! Be a blessing today and everyday!

Take Action

I encourage you to refrain from judging or speaking badly about anything or anyone for a whole day. It may sound easy, but trust me, it is very difficult. This exercise will help you to become more aware of just how judgmental and negative you might be. Once you have conquered a day, try 2 days, then a week. Keep practicing and building until you are able to see only through the eyes of love and possess the ability to allow others to be and do as they choose.

Many Blessings!

“Remember to be awesome today!”  ~ S.L.