Grand Opening Giveaway!

Affirmation_Infinity_Bracelet - White (Below)The website is finally complete and I am open for business! To celebrate, I am hosting a #giveaway! (1) Lucky winner will be blessed with (1) Hand Stamped, White, Affirmation, Infinity Bracelet. For more details or to enter, head over to my Facebook page Please like the page and share with your friends and family!

To purchase or check out the store, visit or click here!

Thanks and have a great weekend!

Show them their Roses and not their Thorns!

Show them their Roses and not their Thorns!

Often times, we tend to focus on what is “wrong” with a person and not on what is “right”. Not only do we do this in regards to other people, but also to ourselves. It’s time that we started to look at what is right. Energy flows where attention goes. The more you focus on what is “wrong” the more it will show up; and vice versa. Help heal the world and yourself, by pointing out the good.

Practice What You Preach!

Inspirational Quote #22Hypocrite – a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

Despite what we want to believe about ourselves, many, many people are most certainly hypocrites. We state that others should do this or that, or not do this or that. Yet, we fail to take our own advice. One area where I noticed that I am a hypocrite is in the area of how I treat others and how I expect others to treat me. Particularly, in judging or speaking badly of others and taking offense to people judging or speaking badly about me.

We, as a people, have to learn to hold ourselves up to the same standard that we hold others. How can we ever become upset when someone judges us, if we constantly judge or have judged another? How can we ever be offended when someone mistreats us, if we mistreat or have mistreated another? How can we ever be angered by the knowledge that someone has spoken badly about us behind our back, if you speak badly about others behind their backs. Yes, we are special, but not special in a way that we can put out negativity and not expect to receive it back. We are not special in  a way that we can sets rules for others that we are not willing to follow.

I find that judgement is a huge issue for most people and most do not even know it. The judgment of the actions, choices, clothing, hair, shoes, etc. of another is our selfish desire to have control over them and to have them do what we think is best. People are entitled to do and choose as they wish, especially if it does not interfere with the life and happiness of another. Keep your eyes on your own paper and focus on you and yours! You do not know the plan that God has for lives of others or the path they must take. Your way might be right for you, but not another. People are not required to be and do the way we think they should. Develop the skill to let others be and refrain from passing judgment on them. Instead send them prayers and blessings! If we spend half the time and energy working on improving ourselves as we do judging and focusing on other people, the world would be a much better place.

Remember that whatever we give, we receive. Make sure that the energy you put out is loving and positive, for it will surely find its way back to you. Practice what you preach! Truly treat others the way you wish to be treated! Be a blessing today and everyday!

Take Action

I encourage you to refrain from judging or speaking badly about anything or anyone for a whole day. It may sound easy, but trust me, it is very difficult. This exercise will help you to become more aware of just how judgmental and negative you might be. Once you have conquered a day, try 2 days, then a week. Keep practicing and building until you are able to see only through the eyes of love and possess the ability to allow others to be and do as they choose.

Many Blessings!

“Remember to be awesome today!”  ~ S.L.

Behind those Gray Clouds, the Sun is Still Shining!


Good morning! Hope everyone had a great 4th of July holiday! My time off was awesome and very relaxing. However, it’s back to work for me today. It’s a raining day here in Ohio. Raining days used to bring me down until I realized that there is no such thing as a “gray” day. Behind those gray clouds, the sun is still shining. We just can’t see it.

Have a great day everyone and remember that even though there may be some gray clouds in your life, right above those clouds, the sun is still shining! The storm will pass. Stay strong!

Letting Go of the Past and Painful Experiences

Inspiration, Let GoWhat’s your story? What reasons do you have for being the way you are or for being in the position you are in? Does it hold you back or push you forward? What purpose does this story serve? In other words, what do you get out of it? Whatever the benefits are, if it’s preventing you from living up to your full potential; the cost is too high, the load is too heavy, and it’s time to let it go.

Sometimes in life we go through horrible things and live in unfavorable circumstances that cause us a great deal of pain. However, the real damage is done when we allow ourselves to get addicted to that story and tell it to ourselves (and others) over and over and over again. Being addicted to a painful story only keeps you stuck in the pain or the unfavorable circumstance.

It’s time to get unstuck from your story. It’s time to let it go for it’s just too heavy and it’s keeping you from moving forward and being the person that you want to be. Let go of the painful story and start telling yourself a more empowering story. Yes, you may have gone through horrible circumstances, you may have grown up in poverty, your may have been raised without a mother or a father, you may be a single mother, you may have been abused, etc; but it doesn’t define who you are. YOU DEFINE WHO YOU ARE!

According to Iyanla Vanzant, there are 3 steps to getting unstuck from your story.

  1. Tell the absolute truth and look at how you contribute to your pain. State the facts and speak the truth.
    Ex. The single mom sob story has held many women back from greatness, but being a single mom doesn’t prevent you from being great. The fact is that you are raising children without the benefit of a partner. The truth is that you are great and can do anything, be anything, have anything, go anywhere as long you believe and persist.
  2. Ask for what you want! Don’t just sit around accepting whatever comes your way.
  3. Get a vision! A vision will pull you forward!

“When you stop telling the old story, a new one will bubble to the surface!” Iyanla Vanzant

The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award


It is my honor to announce that I have been nominated for The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Thank you Lidiya @ Let’s Reach Success for thinking of me.

The rules require me to nominate 14 other bloggers that deserve this award. My 14 nominees are as follows:


Nominees, if you accept, the rules require you to display the image and link back to the person who nominated you. Also choose 14 other bloggers that deserve this award.

Congrats and thanks again to Lidiya @ Let’s Reach Success for nominating me!

The Power of Self Talk – What are You Telling Yourself?

The Power of Self Talk - What are You Telling Yourself?

Why is it that we are our own worst critic? Why is it that we speak to ourselves in ways we wouldn’t speak to our worst enemy? Negative self talk is the culprit of low self esteem, self doubt, lack of faith, fear, and so much more. Put an end to this by becoming more aware of the way you speak to yourself. Learn to speak to yourself the same way you would speak to someone you love. Learn to be your own biggest cheerleader. When you do good, praise yourself. When fall down, encourage yourself to get back up and try again. When you think you can’t, remind yourself that anything is possible. When you worry, command yourself to have faith.

The Payment is in the Process

Hard-Work-And-Success-Street-Signs“If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, ‘Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well.” ~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Too often, we correlate the amount of hard work we are willing to exert to the amount of money we receive in exchange for our work. We believe that our highest efforts should be reserved only for those jobs and duties that pay highly and benefit us the most. However, if we wish to achieve greatness, we should put out our best efforts regardless of the job or the amount of money it pays. Every opportunity should be treated that same. Whether you are flipping hamburgers at McDonald or running a million dollar company, you should strive to be the best and give 100% of your efforts, for this is how you propel yourself to your goals and dreams.

The belief that the payment is in the process, is what turns an intern into a executive. Everyone has to start somewhere and, for most people, the starting point is usual at the bottom. Whether or not one stays at the bottom is dependent upon their attitude and the amount of hard work they are willing to give. The intern who strives to be the best intern who ever worked for his/her company, will not be an intern for long. The one who is always willing to serve and help others, will always have someone willing to pull him/her up to the next level. The one who develops a hard work ethic and uses it in every situation, will always get to their desired destination.

Even if your current position is not the one you desire, strive to be valuable and essential to the success of your company.  Strive to make things run as smoothly as possible. Be proactive and anticipate needs. Strive to be the kind of worker who is missed when you are not around. Be willing to give of yourself and your gifts freely. Perform every task as if you are being paid handsomely. Take pride in your work, for your work ethic and the result of your work become apart of your reputation, and your reputation follows you wherever you go. Hard word also helps increase your sense of pride and self esteem. Always keep a smile on your face and have a positive attitude. Be grateful for every opportunity and treat every opportunity the same. Know that every step you take and every ounce of effort is moving you closer to your goal.

Do not become too focused on the destination. The payment is in the process. Enjoy the journey. Every moment we have here on this earth is a blessing. Every opportunity is an learning experience. Always give your all and life will give back to you. In order to grow to the next level, you much first grow out the level your currently reside. When you perform every tasks to the absolute best of your ability, nothing and no one will be able to hold you back from greatness.